Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why no "Album Artist" iPod?

When you burn a CD that has many contributing artists, it tends to automatically tag it like this...

Song: Song Name
Artist: Artist Name and Contributing Artist
Album Artist: Main Artist Name

To me, this is the way these tags are intended to be used. Unfortunately, iPods and Sonos do not seem to acknowledge the Album Artist Tag. When I'm browsing my 40k songs by Artist I see stuff like this...

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre with Snoop Dog
Dr. Dre with so and so 1
Dr. Dre with so and so 2

I don't want to browse by "Artist". I want "Album Artist".

"Artist" is way to cluttered. I don't wan't my Dr Dre albums to show up as compilations, I wan't them under Dr Dre, and I don't want to loose contributing artist info, or bury it in a comment tag or in parenthesis of a song name. These are unnecessary work arounds.

I guess I just don't undertand what is so technically challenging about allowing users to browse collections by Album artist. It's just another tag.

I won't buy an iPod until this is a feature.